Thursday, May 9, 2013

Single Tasking

How good are you at the skill of single-tasking?

What is single-tasking, you ask? Good question!..

Back in the day,
 they used to cite studies saying: "Juggling career and family, women are better multi-taskers than men!" Well nowadays I think it is safe to say that everyone is a skilled multi-tasker. We juggletweets, Apps, emails, TV, news, music, texts, blog posts, articles, photographs, recipes, videos, (videos of cats your friend tweeted you), dinner plans, Facebook statuses, online banking, calenders and work duties all over the course of one. simple. day.

The number of virtual and in-person connections you can (easily) make in one day is staggering. This interaction can be energizing and inspiring, but on the other end of the spectrum, information burnout is bound to happen. So instead of working on our now-perfected skill of multi-tasking, lets step back and develop the skill of single-tasking.

Single-tasking: Do one thing with pure and quiet focus, flexed concentration. All while shaking away any anxious, busy or nervous thoughts that jump into your mind. Noise: off. Energy-robbers like worry and anxiety: mute them.

Not so easy, right?

Try this: Five minutes of meditation. Nothing stressful or anxious should be tumbling through your thoughts. Only happy, quiet calm. This blank space is not time wasted, it has great value in keeping your head clear and sharp. Computers need to sleep. Brains need to meditate.

Single-tasking is a skill I think we can all gain from having. And medtation is just one way to single-task! Other activities I like for the single-activity quiet and calm they induce..

* Kitchen time, cooking my favorite dishes.
* Long walks at dusk when the neighborhood begins to grow quiet and the sky turns powder navy blue. Cell phone stays home.
* Nature time. The beach, in a park, mountains, lakes, wherever I can get lost in nature, quiet mode easy to find.
* Exercise. Yoga and dancing and my favorites. Deep breathing always helps lighten the weight in your mind and helps release anxiety and nervousness that clings to you in noisy spaces.
* Travel. Old fashioned vacation, escaping from the familiar and routine inspires reflection.
* Art. Painting and drawing has always opened a door to quiet and reflection for me.
* Being Brave. Resist the desire to shrink away from challenges. Embrace the new, the unknown. This keeps your mind focused and on its tippy-toes.

What do you do to single-task? To keep your mind feeling focused, less-than-frazzled, quiet, renewed and sharp? Ponder THAT as you enjoy an energizing one-plate-wonderful stir-fry...Ginger-Peanut_coconut Stir Fry